Women's Elite Tank
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5.100 kr
Útsöluverð4.700 kr
Innifalið VSK
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- Á lager / Sendir innan 24 klst
- 365 daga vandræðalaus skil
- Frábær þjónusta við viðskiptavini
- Deild: Konur
- Litur: Hvítt og Svartur
- Undirflokkur: Hagnýtir toppar
- Vörunúmer: 09048-74
The Nike Elite Women's Printed Basketball Tank is created for tough training and focused play. The Dri-FIT technology with the light fabric leads away the sweat so that you feel fresh, and the design focuses on a precise fit with fewer disturbances.
Nike Dry material that helps you stay dry, comfortable and focused.
Movement and ventilation holes and longer back for movement and coverage.
Mesh back panel for breathability and lightness.
Ribbed neckline and ribbed armpits provide increased durability and comfort.
75% recycled polyester
13% cotton
12% rayon
The Nike Elite Women's Printed Basketball Tank is created for tough training and focused play. The Dri-FIT technology with the light fabric leads away the sweat so that you feel fresh, and the design focuses on a precise fit with fewer disturbances.
Nike Dry material that helps you stay dry, comfortable and focused.
Movement and ventilation holes and longer back for movement and coverage.
Mesh back panel for breathability and lightness.
Ribbed neckline and ribbed armpits provide increased durability and comfort.
75% recycled polyester
13% cotton
12% rayon
Við hjá Runforest er skuldbinding okkar til að tryggja skjóta uppfyllingu á öllum afhendingum, með hefðbundnum afhendingartíma á bilinu 2-5 virkir dagar, nema annað sé tekið fram í valinn afhendingarkost.
Sendingarkostnaður, ef við á, getur verið breytilegur en hann verður sýndur á gagnsæjan hátt fyrir lokakaup við afgreiðslu.
Uppgötvaðu þægindi í verslunarupplifun þinni með sveigjanlegum greiðslumöguleikum okkar. Vinsamlegast athugaðu að tiltækar greiðslumátar geta verið mismunandi eftir því í hvaða landi þú kaupir.
Þú getur séð lista yfir alla tiltæka greiðslumöguleika þína hér!