Women's Dry Top
Upprunalegt verð
5.300 kr
Útsöluverð4.900 kr
Innifalið VSK
Á lager - Express sending
Lægsta fyrri verð:
4.900 ISK
- Á lager / Sendir innan 24 klst
- 365 daga vandræðalaus skil
- Frábær þjónusta við viðskiptavini

Selt af Runforest.com og sent af Footway+
- Deild: Konur
- Litur: Hvítt og Svartur
- Undirflokkur: Hagnýtir toppar
- Vörunúmer: 09170-32
The Nike Dri-FIT Sleeveless Top for women is built for the basketball court. Made with sweat-wicking fabric, it feels soft, lightweight and features a hem designed to keep you covered and let you move freely.
Nike Dri-FIT technology helps keep you dry, comfortable and focused.
Lightweight knit fabric feels soft and breathable.
Longer back hem provides coverage, and side vents let the top move with you.
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The Nike Dri-FIT Sleeveless Top for women is built for the basketball court. Made with sweat-wicking fabric, it feels soft, lightweight and features a hem designed to keep you covered and let you move freely.
Nike Dri-FIT technology helps keep you dry, comfortable and focused.
Lightweight knit fabric feels soft and breathable.
Longer back hem provides coverage, and side vents let the top move with you.
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- "" Who Said Women Were Not Meant to Fly. "" Graphic at hem
Við hjá Runforest er skuldbinding okkar til að tryggja skjóta uppfyllingu á öllum afhendingum, með hefðbundnum afhendingartíma á bilinu 2-5 virkir dagar, nema annað sé tekið fram í valinn afhendingarkost.
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